Baillie Foresters

We realize our success starts in the forest and at Baillie, our entire forest management operation begins with the forest landowner. Virtually all of the lumber we sell originates from timber grown by private landowners.

Forest Management:

Our timber harvesting programs are diverse and can be adapted to a variety of forest management goals. Our forest management includes selective harvesting techniques whereby only the mature, over-mature, overcrowded, diseased, dying and poorly formed trees are removed. By selecting the proper trees, our forest management experts leave a more productive and higher quality timber stand for future generations.

The partnership between the forester and the landowner continues throughout the entire forest management process -- planning, harvesting and restoration. This is Baillie"s forest management commitment to our most valuable asset — you, the forest landowner.

Log Purchasing:

Baillie purchases hardwood veneer logs and saw logs from loggers and landowners year round. We have developed lumber and log markets throughout the United States and internationally so that we can offer loggers and landowners the best possible price for their logs.

We are able to offer roadside log scaling, trucking and immediate payment.

sell your timber and logs


Our Foresters

Our foresters are forest management professionals and represent a company where the emphasis is on quality personnel. Each forester holds a degree in Forestry from an accredited college or university and has years of forest management experience.


Our Timber Harvesting Professionals

The timber harvesting professionals who carry out our forest management objectives are carefully selected by our foresters. All are formally trained, fully insured and must adhere to strict environmental guidelines required for successful forest management. All forest management activity is regularly monitored by our foresters.

Find out more about our sawmill and hardwood log locations.  Call them today to speak to one of the Baillie foresters about a free timber consultation or for a copy of our current log price and specification sheet.

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