The Baillie Group

Succeeding in business is hard.  Buying your hardwoods shouldn’t be.  At the Baillie Group, we make it simple and easy. 

Our unmatched supply and industry expertise, together with our passion to serve, ensures you access to the right hardwoods at the right price and time. 

Don’t waste time and energy worrying about your hardwood needs. Leave your frustration and anxiety behind and move forward with confidence by choosing the Baillie Group as your trusted hardwood advisor and supplier. 

The Baillie Group family of brands are providers of high-quality hardwood lumber! Together we are a family of hardwood lumber suppliers capable of providing customers access to a portfolio of hardwood products suitable for any application. 

Find out more about our brands!

Blue Triangle
Graham Lumber
Potter Lumber
Double Aught
St. James
American Lumber
Wagner Lumber
Baillie Lumber

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"In the hardwood lumber industry, we can think of what we do as cutting logs and processing boards, or instead we can see our work as rearranging the raw materials of creation (trees) into useful products (chairs, tables, cabinets, floors) that help people to live better and more productively.

For me, viewing our work as rearrainging creation's raw materials is more motivating and inspiring, and brings dignity and meaning to all kinds of work."

Jeff Meyer

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